28 Nisan 2017 Cuma

Everest and Halfdome


Old datasets have been regenerated with latest settings. Also there is a new landmark Edirne. It has 5 meters resolution. You can check it out HERE

Update: 5 meters data is removed due to new tileset publishing.

Edirne 5 meters

27 Nisan 2017 Perşembe

Norway Fjords


I have acquired 10 meters Norway elevation data and produced whole Norway tileset.

Norway is a hard one for application to test for tile generation because of its landscape. However, it seems tileset is very successful.

Norway is my favorite country for its nature. I would love to live there. So if you have an offer, i can
think about it :)

26 Nisan 2017 Çarşamba

No more bounds

Hello again,

In previous posts, i have mentioned that lighting is not quite done yet and you may exprience hard lines at tile bounds. Initial bug fix is completed and now those lines are gone!

Of course there are things to do and it is not completely done yet but still, result seems better now.

Here are pre and post bugfix screenshots.

Left: Old , Right: New

15 Nisan 2017 Cumartesi

Water Mask is revealed


 Initial implementation of the water mask feature extension has been completed.

Check live demo HERE

Water Mask

Lighting at tile edges needs to be adjusted so you can experience hard lines at tile edges. This is a known issue.

Also this tileset is generated up to level 9. So any changes made will be affected up to 9 levels. Higher levels takes more time to generate,so they will be left as they are until project completion.

13 Nisan 2017 Perşembe

Support Himalayas

Hello again,

Generating Eastern Asia with SRTM 30 is completed. Here is a mountain view from Himalayas.

A View from Himalayas

Tileset is about to pass 2TB disk space and file count is approximating to 1 Billion files (715827882 without folders).

Therefore in order to make this project available for all, we need sponsorship for storage and distribution. Contact me if interested.

7 Nisan 2017 Cuma

Is there a matter with Matterhorn?

Hello again,

Today i have completed European SRTM 30 tileset production. Here is the Mountain Mönch located in Alps

Left is TGS , Right is STK

However, same problem i have mentioned before strikes again. At mount Matterhorn SRTM data shows there is a crater. However, in fact there isn't one. I am adding links to original SRTM data and KML files. Please feel free to check it out. Is SRTM data flawed or something else is going on?

Update:  I have visualized raw SRTM data and it seems it really has a crater there. If anyone has corrected SRTM 30 1 arc second data, please point it out for getting it.

Matterhorn Crater
Matterhorn Crater