I believe most of the readers are aware of www.terrainserver.com site that hosts Alpha version of terrain dataset. I call it alpha because it lacks many aspects like bug fixes and refactoring. It has a good quality and detail level but not as good as upcoming Beta tileset.
I call it beta because this tileset is very close for release and can be tested with your own data in near future. (At least it is planned to be). So for all those who wants to be a beta tester, get ready.
I suggest for you to prepare a different resolution, CRS, and data type DEM files. It is required to be less than 100MB in size.
Anyway, i have released first beta terrain tile set. Interestingly it has bathymetry data aswell. Detail level is up to 10 and it is derived from Topo15 dem.
You can view tileset here : HERE
Below you can see some of screenshots
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